Author Archives: ATexPestAdmin

What Will Keep Bats Away in Pflugerville, TX? Vent Screens & Home Pest Sealing to Keep Bat Infestations Out

Most homeowners don’t want bats hanging around their home. As they might make for an authentic Halloween display, they do carry disease and their feces can hold various diseases as well. Bats don’t typically cause a major problem to humans and their homes. However, occasionally a stray bat will wander into your home, your attic…

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Should I Be Concerned About Honey or Carpenter Bee, Hornet, Yellow Jacket or Other Wasp Stings in Austin, TX?

Are you interested in a company that has the ability to inspect, remove or treat for all those annoying stinging pests that seem to be a problem each year? Look no further! A-Tex Pest Management offers full service pest control that includes treating and removing pests such as wasps, honey bees, carpenter bees, yellow jackets…

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What Viruses & Diseases Do American & Brown Dog, Deer & Lone Star Ticks Carry in Serenada, TX?

There are countless species of ticks found throughout the world and several found in Greater Austin, Texas. The most common are blacklegged or deer ticks, American dog ticks, brown dog ticks and lone star ticks. Ticks have been known to spread diseases, viruses and tick-borne illnesses to their warm blooded hosts. Luckily, there is A-Tex…

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