Scorpion Control

Scorpions will sting when they are threatened or feel cornered. Most of the time they will live on your property for a while before you ever notice them so it is important to call A-Tex Pest Management right away if you see a scorpion on your Austin property. You are likely to find them in quiet attic areas and other dark, damp and secluded places. Outside they can be found anywhere from cinderblock to trees to the planters around your home. Although they can survive on a very small supply of water, they are attracted to sprinkler systems and swimming pools. This is convenient for the scorpions as the insects they eat such as crickets and cockroaches are also found in these places.

Scorpion Prevention and Protection

Scorpions eat other insects so hiring A-Tex Pest Management for general household insect control is a great first step to deterring scorpions from residing on your property. We can also conduct a thorough scorpion inspection using a UV light as while scorpions are difficult to see during daylight, they do glow in the dark. If scorpions are found, we can treat the area around your home which will discourage scorpions from entering your yard. We recommend long term, regular maintenance treatments to ensure scorpions do not come back.

Common Scorpion Species Found in Austin

Scorpions found in Austin have venom that is often used to seize their prey. A sting from a local scorpion is most likely to feel like a bee sting. While most people will not die from a scorpion sting, people who are already sick, the very young, the elderly and those with allergic reactions to stings will require immediate medical treatment. There are wide ranges of scorpion species across Texas, but the majority that you may come across will be from the following species:
Bark scorpion – most common scorpion type in Austin and often found inside properties. They are 2 to 3 inches long and mostly nocturnal, giving birth to 30 scorpions at a time. They eat insects, crickets and cockroaches. Their venom may produce severe pain and swelling, numbness, frothing at the month, breathing difficulties, muscle twitching and convulsions.
Striped back scorpion – typical non-poisonous scorpion. Please note that the harmless striped back scorpion and the poisonous bark scorpion look alike so it is important to call A-Tex Pest Management if you see any scorpion on your property!

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