How Does Weather Affect Pests in Rollingwood, TX? Are Pests More Active in Summer?

Austin, Texas, experiences a subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. The region’s weather patterns have a significant impact on the activity levels of various pests. Understanding these patterns can help Austin residents anticipate and address pest problems more effectively. With this in mind, we at A-Tex Pest Management would like to explore how…

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Termites are Worse in Summer! How to Prevent & Get Rid of a Termite Infestation in Manor, TX

For many people, summer equates to spending time outdoors enjoying the weather around the pool and spending time with family and friends at outdoor gatherings. Unfortunately, summer is optimal for nuisance pests like mosquitos and other stinging insects. Warm weather also brings out destructive pests, including termites. Termites are responsible for hundreds of thousands of…

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What Actually Keeps Mosquitoes Away in Del Valle, TX? Mosquito Fogging, Removing Water & More

Mosquitoes plague us year-round in many parts of Texas. Still, they are particularly prevalent during the spring and summer, gate-crashing outdoor get-togethers and BBQs looking for their next victim. Mosquitoes feed on human and animal blood for sustenance and protein to create eggs. Mosquitoes can be found throughout the United States; the two most common…

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