One of the large group of insects that exist on Earth for more than 250 million years are termites. They can be found on almost every continent with over 2,600 known termite species. Due to the low temperatures they cannot dwell in polar regions, but they can survive in nearly any climate, and especially thrive in and inhabit tropic and sub-tropic areas. Ecologically, termites are valuable insects since they devour decomposed a huge amount of decaying plant material. However, in the billions of dollars a year in damage they do to residential, commercial, and other structures involving wood it can be devastating when they live in or near human developments. Also, they will eat through furniture and other materials made from wood. With this all this in mind, we at A-Tex Pest Management would like to help you better understand termites in general.
What are the Four Castes of Termites?
Living typically in colonies, termites have workers, soldiers, and swarmers (the reproductive males and females), as well as nymphs (the younglings). To that allow them to perform their specific functions, each cast frequently has different coloring, sizes, and characteristics. Termites are more closely related to cockroaches though they initially look similar to ants. Some species of termites build mounds and tubes they use to reside in are built from the workers and are made of soil, mud, digest wood, saliva, and even feces. Being about the height of a two-story house, is one of the largest mounds on record was 42 feet tall. The soldiers are the protectors of the home and colony. The soldiers will kick the walls of the mounds to alert the other termites of danger. They are almost completely blind since the soldiers and workers spend their whole life in the dark. The kings and queens are able to see for mating purposes. Resulting in up to 30,000 eggs a day, female termites generally, live from 15-25 years and lays about one egg every 15 seconds. In their large mounds the termites accommodate millions of termites as they are fast reproduces
How Do Termites Eat & Digest Wood?
There is a 1,000 pounds of termites (about the weight of an adult cow) and some scientists project that for each human on the planet. The various types of termite species eat living and decaying wood as well as some fungus that frequently develop on dying trees, usually. Termites could not digest cellulose from the wood without help of the intestinal microorganisms. There are more than 100 different species of bacteria and protozoa that live in their guts to help them digest the food. They start to wood in the fecal matter of adult termites because the young termites are not born with the microorganism in their guts, which also gets them the bacteria and protozoa they require by adulthood. They start to wood in the fecal matter of adult termites because the young termites are not born with the microorganism in their guts, which also gets them the bacteria and protozoa they require by adulthood. The tight interaction between the two is known as symbiosis beneficial for both the microorganism. Termites are prey for many other animals including larger bugs, birds, anteaters, aardvark, aardwolf, pangolin, and echidna. Termites are a special treat people enjoy eating in some parts of the world as well.
Termite Pest Inspections, Treatment, Control, Removal & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
A -Tex Pest Management are qualified to eliminate termites if they infest your home or business because in Texas, there are subterranean termites, desert dampwood termites, and western drywood termites. If you know or suspect termites are infesting your home or business, call us sooner than later to prevent further damage!