American Cockroaches (Periplaneta Americana) are considered a major pest in the United States, instilling a sense fear into even the most seasoned home and business owner. Unlike its namesake, the American cockroach is not native to the United States and experts in the field of entomology (the study of insects) believe that the American cockroach arrived from Africa via trade routes in the early 1600’s. American cockroaches range in size from 1.4” to 1.6” with some examples as large as 2”. They are typically reddish brown in color with a yellow band behind the head area. Both males and females have wings and are capable of flying short distances. A-Tex Pest Management lists the signs of an American cockroach infestation and how to best deal with them below.
Does One American Roach Mean an Infestation?
There are several signs that indicate that you have may have an American cockroach infestation. When disturbed, they will scurry to the safety of a dark area where you will find the tell-tale signs of roach feces in the form of small droppings that have ridges along the sides with blunt ends. American cockroach droppings are often mistaken for mouse droppings. If you find droppings in your home save them in a clear plastic container before contacting your A-Tex Pest Management for positive identification. Other signs of an American cockroach infestation include the discovery of egg capsules on and around food sources and food preparation areas. Individuals with sensitive noses often describe a musty odor around areas where large numbers of American cockroaches are found inside structures.
Where Do American Cockroaches Nest?
Although the American cockroach is most often found living outdoors they will find their way into homes and business when food sources are low typically entering dwellings through the garage and open windows and doors etc. For the most part, the American cockroach prefers a moist, warm environment with temperatures that range between 70 and 80 degrees. They are often inadvertently introduced inside dwellings in boxes and other packages brought in by unsuspecting individuals. In commercial settings, the American cockroach can be found in restaurants, grocery stores, and hospitals where food is stored and prepared. Outdoors, the American cockroach will feast on many types of food including decaying leaves, algae and small insects; indoors they will eat crumbs found under appliances and have a particular fondness for pet food.
Are American Cockroaches Harmful?
The American cockroach can pose severe health risks to home and business owners and they are single handedly responsible for spreading at least 33 different kinds of bacteria, including E.coli, and Salmonella, various types of parasites and countless other forms of human pathogens. There spiny legs are ideal for picking up germs on decaying matter which they later transfer onto food and food preparation areas. For certain individuals, the saliva, fecal matter and urine from the American cockroach can contain proteins which are known to cause allergic reactions including asthma and other breathing issues. In fact many medical professionals believe that cockroaches are responsible for the year-round allergy and asthma symptoms often experienced by children.
Cockroach Pest Inspections, Treatment, Control, Removal & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
Summer is the breeding season for American roaches so it’s no surprise you may be seeing more of them lately. For more information regarding cockroach inspections and extermination, contact the knowledgeable experts at A-Tex Pest Management today.