Bats have intrigued humans for hundreds of years and alongside snakes and spiders, bats rank prominently among the maligned and misunderstood inhabitants that we share our world with. They have been around for over 50 million years and worldwide there are 1,054 species of bats. Texas is home to 33 species of bats. These species are insectivores which means they feed on insects and they are all nocturnal and most active at dusk and dawn. The Little Brown Bat can eat its weight in mosquitoes each night and they will also eat beetles, gnats, moths, wasps, midges and mayflies. Statistically, mosquitoes are more dangerous to humans than bats. Bats directly benefit people by consuming thousands of mosquitoes and other insects making then very important to the ecosystem as a whole. Some species of bats migrate south in the cold winter months when insects are hard to find and some will hibernate over the winter. A-Tex Pest Management outlines the dangers of bats to humans and tips to keep them away from your loved ones.
Bat-Related Diseases
Bats can carry diseases that can spread to humans and animals. Histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus and is found in bat droppings. Symptoms range from flu-like symptoms to serious lung infections. Rabies is a viral disease that causes progressive paralysis and can cause death. If caught early, the survival rate or rabies in humans is 50%. The symptoms take 3-4 weeks to develop and are frequently mistaken for the flu. If symptoms begin, rabies is almost 100% fatal. There are only 6 people in the world that have survived rabies without a vaccine.
Prevention & Control
Bats will become a nuisance when they take up residence in your home and decide to roost in large numbers and they only need ¼ inch or more of an opening to get into your home. Attics are an excellent place for bats to roost with the perfect combination of temperature, light and humidity. The rapid accumulation of guano (bat droppings) is completely unsanitary and dangerous. They will continue to multiply until the homeowner notices them flying in and out or discovers the droppings.
Wildlife Pest Inspections, Treatment, Control, Removal & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
Humans come into contact with bats when they’re roosting in our homes. DO NOT handle bats. Call a local pest control company like A-Tex Pest Management for help. DO NOT kill it either. Bats in Texas may not be hunted, killed, possessed, purchased or sold. However, bats may be moved, trapped, or killed if inside or on a building occupied by people. Getting rid of bats requires extensive training and experience. Exclusion is the only way to truly prevent bats. Contact A-Tex Pest Management for a full wildlife control and exclusion service to get the bats out safely and humanely as well as keep them from coming back!