The Striped Bark Scorpion, also known as the Texas Bark Scorpion, is one of the most common species of scorpions that are found in homes and or commercial buildings. Scorpions are side by side with cockroaches as one of the more difficult pests to control. A-Tex Pest Management will share how this species of scorpions have their own behaviors. These behaviors will help identify this pest and give information as to how to control them.
Striped Bark Scorpion Identification
The striped bark scorpion can be found throughout North America. They inhabit areas with high grass, prairies, and also deserts. Where most species of scorpions dig burrows, the striped bark scorpion will hide in dark places such as cracks and crevices underneath rocks, leaves, and under bark and wood. The striped bark scorpion will grow up to 2 ½ inches long and has a life span of about 4 to 5 years. This scorpion’s body color is light brownish yellow with a dark brown back with lighter brown stripes. However their color does vary and sometimes they have an orange brownish color. A mother striped bark scorpion carries their young on their back. They feed and care for them until they are able to hunt on their own. This behavior makes them one of the more nurturing species of arachnids.
Venom from Striped Bark Scorpion Stings
The striped bark scorpion will sting anything that disturbs them. Their stings aren’t venomous but they do hurt and the effects can linger for three days after getting stung. The venom is of low toxicity to humans, and most stings aren’t serious but reactions do vary with the sensitivity of the person stung. The most common symptoms are immediate sharp pain and local swelling. These scorpions will hide during the day and become active during the night to hunt where they mostly feed on other insects. Due to their active lifestyle they are one of the most commonly seen species of scorpions found in homes and commercial buildings. You may see them during the spring through late summer.
How to Control Striped Bark Scorpions
Controlling scorpions can become a major battle. They are an extremely tough pest to control and few pesticides work on them. That is why it is important to take all the proper precautions to help reduce scorpion populations and maintain a pest management program. To start, a well-groomed yard does help your home’s curb side appeal; and it also helps to reduce scorpion populations. Many other pests that scorpions feed on are drawn to yard debris for food and shelter. Having your yard cleaned and free of yard waste or debris will reduce the shelter for scorpions and their prey. Most commercial pesticides have little effect on scorpions as they are extremely resilient arachnids. This is why it is strongly recommend you have a professional pest control company that is familiar with scorpions and the species of scorpions that live in the local area. There are some insecticide dusts and other pesticides that work well on scorpions but they need to be reapplied every few weeks to maintain potency.
Striped Bark Scorpion Inspections, Control & Treatment in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park, Texas
A-Tex Pest Management knows that no one wants scorpions in their home and around their children and other family members. Where only a few scorpion species are actually poisonous, their stings can still hurt and some may even have a severe allergic reaction that can take their life or require hospitalization. If your home is constantly bombarded with scorpions or other pests, contact A-Tex Pest Management today.