Squirrels are a common pest in cities and rural areas alike. They have grown very accustomed to humans, and many don’t even flinch when a human gets near them. They can look cute and furry at first, but the damage caused by squirrels making a home in the attic of your residence can be extensive. A-Tex Pest Management is here to talk about squirrels and how to manage them.
Why Do Squirrels like Attics?
Squirrels have babies two times per year. They have their first litter in the spring, and then again in the fall. For this reason, they are looking for somewhere to create a nest for what may seem like, year round. Sometimes as your house ages, you can start to notice small gaps in the structure. It doesn’t take much for a squirrel to fit inside. They are also known to chew their way in as well. Your attic is the perfect sheltered space for them to create a nest fit for their young.
What Kind of Damage Can Squirrels Do in the Attic?
Once squirrels have gained entrance into your attic, they start to take over. It doesn’t take long for one to turn into multiple squirrels. While they rustle around up there, they can cause damage in their wake. They are known to chew through wires and cause electrical problems. These problems can quickly turn into a fire hazard. If a squirrel gets trapped somehow, there is a chance it could die in your home. Sometimes they fall down into the walls of your home and get trapped there. If they die, they can not only start to seriously stink, but they are now a biohazard as well. Their droppings and urine can also cause horrible odors and can create a risk of spreading disease.
How to Tell if You Have Squirrels?
Usually if you have a squirrel problem, you can hear it. They rustle in the early morning and late night hours, working to make nests and gather food. They can actually create quite a bit of noise while scuttling around up there. Hopefully, you are aware of and can solve a squirrel problem before you start to smell their presence.
Trim Trees to Keep Squirrels Out
Keeping your tree branches trimmed so they aren’t within jumping distance of your house is key in keeping these pests out. The branches on your trees need to be at least 6 to 8 feet away from your home to avoid a squirrel jumping onto your house from them.
Where Can I Find Squirrel Entry Points?
You should visually check for possible places a squirrel could enter your home. There is a possibility they could chew their way in, but if have any gaps or holes in your home’s structure, you should fix it. This will make your home more difficult to get into. Squirrels are able to enter holes much smaller than you may think. They are able to enter holes as small as an adult’s fist. This would also include installing a cap on the top of your chimney. Chimneys are an excellent point of entry for a squirrel.
Wildlife Pest Inspections, Treatment Control & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
If you find you have a potential squirrel problem, it is important to contact professional help as soon as possible. Like stated before, it doesn’t take long for a squirrel to make your attic its new home and multiply. A-Tex Pest Management can assist you in ridding your home of these invasive pests. Call us today!