How Can You Tell if You have a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Austin, TX? Do Ants Tunnel like Termites?

An ant infestation is something nearly everyone will experience at least one time in their lives. While delivering obnoxiously annoying pinches, ant invasions are more of a nuisance as they barge in looking for crumbs or anything edible. However, throughout Austin, TX and surrounding areas, carpenter ants are more than a nuisance as they are…

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How Do You Identify a Northern Black Widow Spider & How Do You Keep Spiders Away in Bushy Creek, TX?

Throughout the state of Texas, many homes and commercial buildings may become home to black widow spiders. There are five different species of black widow spiders in America, and Texas is home to four species: the Northern, Southern and Western Black Widow as well as the Brown Widow. The Northern Black Widow spider can be…

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