Bed bugs are a nuisance many people have become acquainted with in recent decades. Once they were nearly eradicated, but with the ease of world traveling, bed bugs have made a comeback. We at A-Tex Pest Management know that many people have questions concerning bed bugs. Today, we have taken a handful of the more commonly asked questions and answered them for your convenience. If your question isn’t found below, please feel free to contact A-Tex Pest Management and we will happily answer your questions.
Q: What is the Main Cause of Bed Bugs?
A: Bed bugs can originate from nearly anywhere, especially places prone to large masses of the public. More often than not, an infestation occurred through contact with infested furniture in hotels, motels, and other lodging establishments. Furniture and clothing from 2nd hand venues could also transfer bed bugs into your home.
Q: What is a Bed Bug?
A: Formally, bed bugs are grouped in the Cimicidae family. They are incredibly tiny; by the time they are full grown they are no bigger than an apple see. They are brown or reddish brown after feeding, oval shaped and flat; unless engorged after a feast. Bed bugs are nocturnal insects and feed when they are active. Bed bugs feast on warm-blooded hosts, with human blood being their primary choice. Bed bugs adapt easily to their surroundings and environment.
Q: Where Do Bed Bugs Hide During the Day?
A: The bed is the most likely place, begin your search at the mattress itself, inspect the corners of bed nets, seams, and underneath along with the bed frames, head boards, bedding, and box spring. Bed bugs will even hide in surrounding areas like furniture, behind peeling paint, wooden floorboards, alarm clocks, picture frames, and so on. In most cases bed bugs have been documented hiding in small, concentrated areas within approximately 10-20 feet from where you sleep.
Q: How Do Bed Bugs Feed?
A: Bed bugs have two hollow tubes in their moth that they inject into the skin during the initial bite. The 1st tube injects an anti-coagulant anesthetic fluid bed bugs use to keep the blood flowing and the other tube is used to suck the blood of their host. A bed bug typically consumes blood for approximately five minutes before it returns to its sanctuary. Additionally, bed bugs will emerge at dusk to get their sustenance.
Q: When Should I Be Concerned About Bed Bug Bites?
A: When the bed bug first bites down, it is not even noticeable, but after minutes or hours later you might experience discomfort. The bite mark is either a flat welt or a raised, red bump, depending on individually sensitivity, that is severely itchy. Unless you have a mild allergy the fluid injected from the 1st tube, which usually includes a rash and skin irritation, the bed bug’s bite is just an itchy nuisance
Q: How do I Stop Bed Bug Bites from Itching?
A: Anti-itch cream is the most effective.
Q: If I discover bed bugs, what should I do?
A: If you discover bed bugs, or highly suspect they bed bugs are in your room, don’t bring anything in the infested room because as the bed bugs can easily grab hold of any object and be transferred unknowingly. As tempting as it may be, do not to start sleeping in a different bed, sofa or anywhere else, bed bugs will just follow you to the new location and spread out their numbers into the next room. Contact a professional help as soon as possible.
Q: What are the Signs I have a Bed Bug Infestation?
A: Some red flags that might indicate bed bugs are the following:
– Pungent and musky odors emit.
– Small red blood stains on the sheets.
– Rusty colored spots, which is their fecal matter, along the bed or other surfaces.
– Multiple bed bug bites along your body that are in alignment.
– Shed bed bug skin as they evolve into the next life cycle, bed bugs will shed their skin.
– Bed bugs themselves.
Bed Bug Pest Inspections, Treatment Control & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
If you discover bed bugs in your home, contact A-Tex Pest Management today!