Ticks are parasites that require the blood of a host to survive. However, they can survive up to a year without feeding. Ticks are most likely to be encountered along grass lines, forest lines and animal paths. Texas ticks are most prevalent in the summer months (from April to September) that are the warmest but can be found year round. Ticks do not fly or jump. They sit on a bush or on the ground and extend their front legs waiting for a host to wander by that they can attach themselves to. Questing is the way of increasing the chances of coming into contact with a suitable mammal host. They quest when they search for a host by detecting odors, body heat, vibrations, moist air currents, and carbon dioxide that the human or animal emit.
Common Ticks Found in Texas
The American Dog tick is the most frequently encountered tick. This tick is most likely to be found on both pets and humans. They are very active and will travel from their questing locations into manicured areas. Humans are the host and are capable of transmitting Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The Brown Dog tick is specific to dogs and is rarely found in humans. This is the only tick that will leave its host and infest a home. Indoors they are found in cracks and crevices of the home. Dogs usually bring them into the home and have usually picked them up after being in infested structures like the vet or the kennel. The Lone Star tick is very aggressive and will actually travel from the questing locations into manicured areas. They are commonly found in a wide variety of animals, including humans. They are capable of transmitting Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Tularemia. The Deer Tick is primarily responsible for transmitting Lyme disease. They do not travel far from their questing locations and are usually encountered during recreational activities in the woods or meadows.
How Long Does a Tick Stay on You to Transmit Disease?
You do not need to go deep into forests and areas with high vegetation to get ticks. You need only to look in your backyard to realize they are out there. As larvae, ticks feed from small mammals like rodents, bats, deer, and other wildlife. Ticks ingest and store infected blood from their hosts and then go into a tiny nymph stage. Nymphs inhabit vegetation as low as 4-6 inches, the typical vegetation found in any backyard. The ticks will then transfer the diseased blood from that host to whatever or whoever is unlucky enough to be their next blood meal. The most dangerous of diseases that can be spread by ticks is Lyme disease. In most cases, a tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted. If you remove a tick quickly (within 24 hours), you can greatly reduce your chances of getting Lyme disease. Some symptoms include fever, headache, and fatigue, all of which can be mistaken for the common flu, so medical personnel need to know where these ticks are found in order to make the proper diagnosis to start treatment as soon as possible.
Tick Pest Inspections, Treatment, Control, Removal & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
Chemical elimination of ticks includes insecticide sprays and insecticide dusts. Both are important if you wish to rid your home and property of ticks. Spraying often will keep pressure on the population and provide some control. Infested areas are sprayed and then dusted. When the spray has dried the process will be repeated every 7-10 days if needed. Call the professionals at A-Tex Pest Management to remove ticks from your home and property.