Having any type of wildlife in your attic causes a lot of damage to a home’s structure. All types of wildlife make their way into attics throughout the year. Many people ignore small warning signs of the presence of wildlife around their home. This can be costly and cause irreversible damage if not caught in the early stages or prevented altogether. Fall is here and it is now the time of year for wildlife to seek a warm, safe place to hunker down for the winter. This means now is the time to be on the lookout for some tell-tale signs that wild animals are seeking refuge in your humble abode. So, how do you know if an unwanted guest is taking up residency in your attic? Here are some signs to look out for and how to prevent wildlife from intruding into your home.
Signs of Squirrels, Possums, Raccoons & Other Wildlife in Attic
Knocking, Banging, Tapping, Chirping or Scratching Noise from Attic– We find all kinds of wildlife in attics. From birds, to squirrels, to raccoons. Some noises you hear will be harder to distinguish than others. Bird signs may be harder to identify, but the most common noises you may hear is them singing, chirping, cawing or hooting. If you have a squirrel on your hands then you may hear them scurrying around or banging. This is a pretty obvious sign you have some unwanted house guests. Raccoons are the largest animals you will come across in an urban setting. The noises they make are easily identifiable because they are a much bigger animal. If you hear thumping or it sounds like a small child is walking around your attic, it’s probably not a ghost, it’s a raccoon! The most likely time you will hear these sounds are at night, when they are most active. Raccoons are very vocal when they have babies, in the Spring time is when most have their young. You will hear their babies crying and hear moms talking to their babies. Babies make high pitch screaming noises and adults are much louder and have a much deeper tone.
Nesting Materials Around Your Home– If you’ve noticed nesting material scattered around your home, this is a good indication of wildlife presence in or around your home. If wildlife has breached your residence, they will immediately begin to make accommodations for themselves by creating nests for themselves. Nesting materials for all of the wildlife mentioned before can be leaves, twigs, insulation, cotton, fabric clumps of pet hair, human hair or anything else they can get their claws on.
Signs of Structural Damage– Wildlife will enter your attic by any means necessary. Raccoons, squirrels and other like mammals have sharp teeth and claws, they have the ability to chew through wooden support beams, roofing tiles, and drywall. They make entry points through vents, soffits or any other means to easy entry. Raccoons have tiny, human like forepaws that allow them to easily manipulate various objects as we would. They can pop off lids with ease, rip off or tear through vents. When walking the perimeter of your home, look for signs of damage that may appear to be a point of entry for unwelcome guests. If a raccoon feels trapped, they become dangerous and will fight fearlessly or they will panic and destroy your attic in no time at all. They will wreak havoc on the support structures, insulation, wiring or HVAC components. It’s best to let a wildlife expert check for their presence if you suspect them to be there.
Squirrel Urine Stain & Wild Animal Poop– These pesky invaders need to use the bathroom, over time, their urine and feces will begin to seep through the attic onto your ceiling. If you notice a strong, foul odor or see random staining on your ceiling. This may be caused by wildlife and it’s time to get things inspected.
Wildlife Pest Inspections, Control, Removal & More in Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville, Cedar Park & Austin Texas
A-Tex Pest Management is experienced in wildlife removal and can assist you in evicting unwanted guests. We will also help you to prevent future unwanted visits by sealing up entry/exit points. If you have questions or need help removing any problem pests, give us a call today!