With Alaska being the only exception, termites are a problem in 49 of 50 states. And termites remain active year round; even during the cold winter season though they typically move deeper into the ground. An estimated $50 billion in damage to buildings and structures a year is due to these pests. Extensive damage can be done to your home or business before you ever realize they have infested, making them a rather troublesome pest to deal with. Termites can be a challenge to detect for people who do not know what to look for, especially since termites consume wood from the inside out. People should contact a professional for inspection as quickly as possible if they feel they are in or just outside their home or business, or if you hear neighbors are having an infestation. In any case, we at A-Tex Pest Management would like to elaborate on some of the most common areas professionals check during their inspection.
Termite Inspection Checklist
Termite Mud Tubes: Professionals will first check the likely areas of mud tubing, however, if you find these first, immediately call a professional, as this is a strong indicator termites are present. Professionals will check near the pipes, in your crawlspace, along your foundation, in the attic, and any other entry points to your home. Soil, wood cellulose and other debris is what constructs the mud tube. Termites will build these protective tubes to reach the wood as well as protect them from potential threats and maintain the humidity levels.
Mud in Construction Materials: Termites will seal small gaps with dirt to increase their comfort. Crusted dirt in the small holes or cracks found in concrete, sheetrock, mud crammed into construction joints, and even wood suggests termites and the mud tubing may not necessarily be obviously found.
Flying Termite Swarmers: Termites will branch out to start new colonies from well-established and successful colonies. After a few years, these established colonies will produce winged reproducing kings and queens. During the spring, the sexually matured adults will fly off to start new colonies. Some may see these winged insects where others might see the evidence of their shed wings, which they do once they select a location for the new colony. Around window sills is a common place checked for swarmers and/or their wings. It is important to know that there are quite a few ant species who also have winged swarmers looking to create a new colony as well.
Termite Damage to Wood: When the termites are presently infesting the wood, most do not see any distinguishable evidence on the surface of wood. Few, at best, may see the crusts of dirt from where they packed the galleries with mud. A sign of termites is hollow wood, which a trained professional can hear the distinct, but subtle sound of hollow wood as they tap. In addition to long, deep parallel grooves from excavation work, mud will often present in termite damaged wood.
Termites Killing My Landscape: Termites are not just an issue inside your home or business, but they can be a detriment in the landscaping, especially if they target your building next. Harboring termites can be wood mulch, wood fencing, firewood, fallen dead trees or stumps, as well as wooden structures, like arbors, sheds, decks, and playsets. If you suspect termites in the landscaping, contact a professional quickly.
Termite Pest Inspections, Control, Treatment & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park, Texas
During a termite inspection, the above are just a few of the common indicators professionals look for. Once termites are confirmed, the professional will offer recommendations for effective treatment. Call A-Tex Pest Management today if you suspect termites and schedule our specialists for a termite inspection.