Texas may have been blessed from on high, but that includes a rich variety of ants. A-Tex Pest Management lists some of the different ant species found in Greater Austin, Texas:
Fire Ants
One of the most dangerous and aggressive of the ant species are fire ants. They showed up in the United States from South America hiding in shipping containers and packaged goods. They bite and sting, unlike most ants that just bite. The venom is solenopsin, an alkaloid venom that leaves a burning sensation in and around the injection site, hence the fire ant moniker. They can kill larger animals and it is dangerous to leave infants near or on the ground in fire ant country. Hamsters and other pets are also at risk. The big danger is for those people that have an allergic reaction to the sting. This is highly dangerous and could be a fatal if not treated.
Carpenter Ants
Typically classified as structural pests, carpenter ants don’t eat the wood, they excavate it to build their nests. These ants spread by “budding” entire sections of the colony including queens, workers and brood (includes eggs, larvae and pupae) and move to new ‘digs’ where they set up another nest.
Pharaoh Ants
Another species that have multiple queens and a caste system. The have become a serious home invasion pest, actually buildings in general. They feed on grease, sugary foods and dead insects. The also gnaw on silk, rayon and rubber goods. They live in walls, under floors and furniture and their nests tend to be small.
Crazy Ants
Known for their quick and unpredictable movements, sometimes referred to as the Rasberry Crazy Ant here in Texas. This ant covers itself in formic acid, an antidote to fire ant venom. It probably evolved as a defense in their home country as the two species originated side by side in South America. Another adaptation is the colonies have multiple queens. This destructive species is attracted to electrical equipment and chew through insulation, creating a fire hazard. This causes overheating, mechanical failures and corrosion from accumulations of dead ants and nest detritus boxes and devices. These pests constitute an acute danger to you and your home. They are attracted to electrical devices by the heat produced by resistance and the magnetic fields.
Argentine Ants
This south of the border import is considered an evasive species like the fire ant. There are many nations that have been invaded by Argentine ants. One of the primary problems is that this ant forms super colonies. The nests do not compete with other nests, like other ant species. Individuals from one nest can enter and interact with other nests with no reprisals. Thus, multiple nests constitute one large colony with multiple queens. Super colonies due conflict, but most nests within an area belong to the same super colony. If they eat the same prey and incorporate the same hydrocarbons, they get along just fine. They hang out in concrete walls and between boards and timbers. They displace local ants beneficial to plant species.
Rover Ants
Rover ants are often found around people and their dwellings. They tend to prefer sweets. Unlike many ants they tend to be non-aggressive.
Acrobat Ants
These guys are tree and wood dwellers, most rotting wood mostly. They are predatory having an appetite for wasps, though they attack more than wasps.
Pest Control & More in Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville, Cedar Park & Austin Texas
Any ant near or in the home is asking for problems. If you have been invaded by these bugs, call A-Tex Pest Management and we’ll get rid of them. DIY ant control is never recommended as each species requires different treatment to be effective and DIY attempts can actually allow the infestation to escalate. A-Tex Pest Management can handle all your pest control needs.