Throughout Texas and in many place across the U.S., false black widow spiders have been well known to invade homes and populate the yard. At first glance, most people will mistake them for a black widow spider. False black widow spiders are less dangerous than black widow spiders but just like black widows, false black widow spiders will still bite and infest a home if allowed. A-Tex Pest Management will share how to identify and control spiders in your home.
False Black Widow Spider Identification
When you discover a spider that looks like a black Widow spider, it may actually be a false black widow. To properly identify a false black widow it is first important to know that a false black widow is actually a dark brownish color versus the deep black color of the Black Widow. Additionally false black widow spiders do not have the red hour glass marking underneath their abdomen. The females are bigger and more robust than the male. The females have that bulbous abdomen where the males have a smaller abdomen and thinner legs. The male False Black Widow spider also has coloring that varies from the Black Widow’s markings. False black widow spiders in most cases prefer to stay outdoors where you can find them in walls, fences, under rocks and underneath the bark or trees. When False Black Widow spiders do invade inside your home, they tend to hide in small holes or gaps in window sills. False black widow spiders make cob webs that are irregular and sticky which they use to capture their prey. False black widow spiders will feed on other small insects and occasionally, other spiders. They primarily feed on isopods such as sowbugs and pillbugs.
False Widow Spider Bite
The false black widow spiders main reproductive season is July through August. Shortly after eggs hatch, the tiny spiders will look for food and a safe place to hide as they mature. Spiders tend to attach their egg sacs to their webs. As the spiderlings mature, they can infest an area. One of the greatest fears of a spider infestation is getting bit. Male false black widow fangs are smaller than the female and don’t tend to bite. It is the female that has the large fangs and venom to kill their prey and protect their egg sacs. The female false black widow spider venom isn’t nearly as potent as black widow spiders. False black widow spider bites will cause swelling and often a tingling sensation will accompany the redness and swelling. However, no major medical treatment need occur when bitten by a false black widow spider.
Home Pest Sealing to Keep Spiders Away
To keep the false black widow and other spiders out of your home, you will want to make sure the home is properly sealed. You will want to keep pests and all other spiders out by first regularly inspecting the home outside doors and windows. Make sure the doors do not have any gaps where spiders can enter through. Windows should have the capability to completely close and make sure the screens do not have any holes. They too should be secured. For more protection from spiders seek out a professional pest control service.
Spider Inspections, Control & More in Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville, Cedar Park & Austin Texas
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