There are lots of people that are seeing the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19 and are being sent home. Many areas around the country are asking its citizens to stay in the house and to only leave when buying essentials. The spread of the virus can come from contact with someone that is infected but they may not be showing any signs. The quarantine is something that can be difficult and can cause some stress on a family. There are people that are trying to do their job or run their business from their home. You might think that everything stops when you are locked down but the pests are still out and taking advantage of the environment. When you go out for a walk or to get some fresh air you will see pests that are out and they can still be invasive. The spring weather is still going to set in soon, allowing pests to flourish. You want to make sure you do all that you can to ensure that you do not have a problem while you are at home. A-Tex Pest Management outlines what you can do to keep pests away during quarantine.
Trash Pickup to Prevent Pest Infestations
One of the things you want to make sure you are diligent at is the trash that you have at your home. When you are home all day with your family you will start to notice that there are more piles of trash throughout the week. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure has never been more true than when it comes to pests. Pests are happy to take your scraps and leftovers and will make a meal out of it. That is why you need to make sure you keep the trash out of your home at the end of each day. You also want to avoid dropping food and garbage in your big bin without adding it to a bag first. The trash will sit outside your house in the bin and draw pests to it. Then they are that much closer to the house and will get in within no time at all.
Clear Debris Away from House
Another problem that you might have in the spring is that the plants and the trees will be flourishing and they can create debris that pests can use to hide. The best thing that you can do is to make sure that the areas that pests may use to hide are cleared away. You can use some of the your new found free time to clear up your landscape, yard and patio. Pay close attention to the areas around your doors and windows.
Do You Really Need Pest Control?
Most areas are not wanting to have people out and businesses operating unless they can do so without coming in contact with others. The great thing is that you can call to have the exterior of your home treated during a quarantine so that you can keep up on pest control. This is a way to protect your home and family from dangerous pests.
Pest Inspections, Control & More in Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville, Cedar Park & Austin Texas
A-Tex Pest Management can come out and treat your home for unwanted pests. Call us today!