Not only is the sting of a wasp very painful, it can be dangerous, even be deadly. It might surprise you to learn that male wasps don’t have a stinger. That means those painful stings come from female wasps. Like any mother, female wasps will become aggressive and sting when they feel their nest is in danger. There are commonly two types of wasps, solitary wasps and social wasps. Social wasp species live in large numbers. Wasp nests are usually abandoned by late fall and the queens will over-winter until spring. Their appearance will vary depending on the species, but all wasps have two pair of wings and a pinched waist. They range in color from black to metallic greens and blues. They can be very tiny to 2 inches in length. Wasp nests are made from chewed wood that gives them the distinctive papery walls. These nests can get as big as a basketball or larger by mid-summer when a nest can number in the thousands. The problem with wasp nests is that they tend to build their nests in areas close to humans, like around door and window frames, under eaves and in outdoor buildings like sheds.
A Wasp Sting Contains Alkali & Chemicals
Some of the chemicals found in wasp venom can damage or kill red blood cells. These chemicals can also get into the bloodstream and block ionic pathways, cause allergic reactions and degranulate mast cells; making wasp venom very dangerous.
Kinin is the most common chemical found in wasp venom. The scary part about this chemical is that very little that is known about this chemical and the effects it can have but it is believed kinin acts locally to induce widening of blood vessels and contraction of smooth muscle.
Acetylcholine is another chemical found in wasp venom. This is the chemical that causes the pain.
Phospholipase B is also found in wasp venom. This is the chemical that breaks down the cell membranes. This of course isn’t good for your body.
Noradrenaline. If you have ever felt your blood pressure rise when you’ve been stung by a wasp, it’s due to Noradrenaline. This chemical causes the blood vessels to constrict and impacts your blood pressure.
Histamine is the reason you will be itchy after a sting. Taking an antihistamine can help reduce the itch.
Wasp Attack Pheromones
You also need to deal with pheromones that are released when a wasp or hornet sting. This is what can cause serious problems. The release of these pheromones signals nearby stinging insects to come join in on the stinging.
You never know how you will react to a wasp sting, so don’t take them lightly. Some of these chemicals can cause minor problems, while others can be more serious. While you can be thankful for wasps in that they eat other insects to feed their colony, you still don’t want them hanging around your home.
Stinging Insect Control & More in Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville, Cedar Park & Austin Texas
Wasps can be difficult to identify without professional training and effective treatment relies on proper identification. If you think you have wasps around your home, do not try and take care of them on your own. Wasp nests can be very dangerous, so contact the professionals at A-Tex Pest Management today!