Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Get Rid of Floating Fire Ant Rafts During Rain & Floods in Windemere, TX

Ants are notoriously known around the world. Their invasions often result in pilfered food, contaminated surfaces, and painful little stings that are obnoxious. With the thousands of species of ants roaming the work, there are some species more commonly found in certain parts, and throughout Texas, fire ants are among the most common of ants…

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Daddy Long Legs AKA Harvestmen in Pflugerville, TX Aren’t Spiders But They Are Arachnids!

If you grew up thinking that daddy long legs are spiders, you are certainly not alone. Scientifically speaking the daddy long legs or harvestmen is not a spider but belongs to an entirely different species altogether, called Opiliones. Daddy long legs are often misidentified because of their resemblance to spiders with their small oval shaped…

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