Author Archives: ATexPestAdmin

What Causes Centipedes in Your Manor, TX House & How to Get Rid of Occasional Invader Pests

Hundred Leggers, most commonly known as centipedes, have many pairs of legs. There are house and garden centipedes, and though they are considered an occasional invader, they are common enough people recognize a centipede when they see one. Centipedes are not always seen as they are nocturnal critters and can move at high speeds. These…

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How to Prevent & Get Rid of Infestations of Flying American Cockroaches in Bee Cave, TX

One of the most invasive species of cockroaches found in the state of Texas is the American cockroach. American cockroaches love humid climates and can reproduce very quickly. They are not only very invasive they could also harbor harmful diseases or viruses and can spread them simply through contact. American cockroaches will invade our homes…

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