There is a DIY option for just about anything these days. From changing the oil in your car to cutting your own hair. There is a chance that these DIY videos and will end well for you but there are more of a chance that they will end badly. The reason that people go to school and get trained in specialty areas is to ensure that the job is done right. They also can assess any issues that may arise and know what to do to make them right. The same goes for treating for pests in your home. Many pests actually pose a health concern as well as cause damage to your property. It is best to have the problem assessed by a professional. When you are dealing with rodents such as mice you want to stay away from trying to treat the problem yourself. A-Tex Pest Management outlines what can happen when you try and treat for mice in your home.
When people look into treating for unwanted mice the options are to use traps or poison. The problem that you have with poison is that it can be dangerous to your pets that are running around your house. The problem that you will have with traps is that they are hard to set and use. The traps are often a snap trap that is intended to snap shut with the smallest amount of pressure. Now imagine that you are the one that has to set the trap. There are several reports about people getting injured when they try to set he trap. The trap can snap shut on their finger or even on a cat or dog that might get too close. This can cause an injury to your four legged friends that will require help from a vet.
Not Trapping All the Mice
The next problem that you will come across when you are dealing with treating your home for mice is what you are actually catching? There might be mice that are happily living in a wall or basement that will never be enticed by your trap. This means you might only get the ones that happen across it. Meanwhile the rest of the mice are living a full life. You want to do what you can to catch all the mice that are causing trouble in your house.
Where to Set Rodent Traps
There is another problem that occurs when a homeowner tries to treat for mice. The problem is that mice are tricky and they can easily find a path that you might not realize they are using. The traps need to be set in a location that you know the mice will use. A professional is able to look through the home and find the paths that they will likely travel. That way the traps are all being utilized each day.
Mouse & Rat Pest Inspections, Treatment, Control, Removal & More in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Pflugerville & Cedar Park Texas
A-Tex Pest Management offers services to treat your home for unwanted mice. Give our office a call to have your home treated today.