Are Bats Harmful to Humans in Jollyville, TX? Bat Guano Health Risks & Diseases Transmitted

Many different species of bats call North America home. The three most common bat species found in the U.S. today are the Small Brown Bat, (Myotis Lucifugus) the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus Fuscus) and the Mexican Free-Tail Bat (Tadarida Brasiliensis) which is most common here in the Southern states. These bats have lifespans ranging from…

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How to Prevent American, German, Asian & Oriental Cockroaches in Wells Branch, TX;

The great state of Texas has one of the most ideal climates for many pests including Cockroaches. Texas homes and buildings are constantly under siege by various cockroach species where many carry and spread harmful diseases wherever they go. A-Tex Pest Management will share the most common species of cockroaches that invade Texas buildings and…

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Signs of Formosan Subterranean Termite Infestations in Windemere, TX & How to Get Rid of Them!

When people talk about termites the conversation is usually filled with drastic stories about termites ruining homes and office buildings. Knowing that termites eat their way through buildings and cause complete havoc is just about all many of us know about this insect. So what else is there to learn about termites? Once we see…

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