Category Archives: Uncategorized

Interesting Termite Facts; Termites Work All Day & Queens Can Lay an Egg Every 15 Seconds!

Everyone knows termites are detrimental to homes. They can infest and destroy your home and many times you don’t even know it until it is too late. But besides being annoying and destructive tiny critters, they serve ecological growth and have some truly fascinating facts surrounding them. A-Tex Pest Management would like to relate some…

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Zika Virus Causing Birth Defects is Spread by Yellow Fever Mosquito & Asian Tiger Mosquito; Call A-Tex for Mosquito Pest Control Today!

Zika virus is a mosquito borne pathogen that to date has been found in at least 31 people in the United States and has been linked to a rise in birth defects in Brazil. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued new guidelines for pregnant women last week as the expected numbers of positive cases…

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Why do Raccoons Wash Their Hands & Food? Call A-Tex Pest Management for Nuisance Wildlife Control, Removal, Cleanup, Exclusion & Prevention in Leander TX!

Raccoons are both highly intelligent and curious little creatures with a set of highly dexterous hands that are responsible for causing a lot of mischief when out foraging for food. The fingers of a raccoon are marvelous little appendages that help them to find ways into trash cans, ice chests, homes and campers. The paws…

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